Eye Tracking Measures for Anthropomorphism in Human
Robot Interaction

Anthropomorphism is our tendency to attribute human like characteristics to non-humans animate or inanimate. In this study, I had the task of analysing anthropomorphism via eye-gaze patterns as a human observed (i) human performing a task, vs, (ii) robot performing the same task.

We got exciting results, one being the validation of novelty effect, i.e. we tend to focus on a robot’s hands or legs while it performs a task, but when a human performs a task, we tend to focus on her head.


Here is the full presentation discussing how the experiment was designed, how did the gaze data look like, what were the results and conclusions:

Eye tracking measures for anthropomorphism in HRI from 1rj

You can also read the full article here

As a reference, here are the 3 tasks that the robot performed in the experiment. Participants of the experiment were asked to watch these, while we were recording their eye-gaze data. A human then performed the same 3 tasks the experiment was accordingly repeated.

Robot, pick your favorite object!


Robot, point to crying baby!


Robot, dance!



I am grateful to Dr. Pierre Dillenbourg who heads the CHILI lab at EPFL, and special thanks to my mentor Dr. Kshitij Sharma.

Written on April 7, 2018